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Can Neon Signs Be Repaired and Where to Fix Them?

September 02, 2020 2 min read 0 Comments

When you have issues with your neon sign, you're likely wondering if this is something that can be repaired?

In most situations, they can definitely be paired as long as you are careful with the glass and the gas that is inside. Once you run out of neon gas or the glass cracks or breaks, check with a professional to see if it's something that can be easily repaired.

Where to Fix Neon Signs?

As you begin searching for who can fix neon signs near you, you should consider companies that offer multiple types of signs, such as those made of glass and those that are LED. With more options available, the repair work is usually a bit easier.

When considering where to repair neon signs, you should look for companies that can create a sign in the same design as the one that was broken. 

A note on repairing your neon sign is that you need to consider the original design of the glass so that the gas flows properly through the tubes. Sometimes, glass can be bent to make the original shape.

Remove any of the old insulators so that you have a fresh base to work with instead of one that could be burnt. The vacuum of the tube should be sealed so that dust doesn't get inside, allowing for the gas to light when an electric source is introduced.

We don't recommend you do any of this yourself and should seek professional help. Do a quick Google search and you'll find a bunch of places you can have your neon sign repaired near you.

You should take your neon sign to a professional company to have someone work with the insulators and the tubes that are inside, especially if mercury is involved. If you're repairing an LED sign, then a professional company can usually replace the bulbs or customize a new sign so that it looks like the one that was broken.

Eon Neon offers affordable LED signs in a variety of designs. While we don't offer repairs, you can create a custom order to recreate your damaged sign and light up your space again!